Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Thoughts About Risk Takers: She spoke to me of her friend who is a DJ in London, unplugging from the local UK scene long enough to see the world, come what may. He's already arranged a few first chance gigs in Tokyo, Australia, and Thailand.

I mentioned my friend Tom who sold everything and picked up from Oregon and moved to Maui, where he lives in a tent and drives a canoe. He spends winters carving gossamer-like butterflies out of rosewood, watching the whales migrate past his front yard.

And I'm remembering the guy my hubby and I met because we were all busy watching the same sunrise. He used to be a lawyer but he chucked it all because he felt the need to grow out his hair and take pictures of flowers. Now he drives a little worn out pick-up and for the sake of capturing the perfect shot he's been known to step across the barbwire and metal railing set up to keep the cows from wandering off and the tourists from falling off the cliff.

And all these people come back to me today as I sit down and try to eke out a social network status update for the few readers who will wander past a paragraph.

It occurs to me that as for myself, I spend a lot of my artistic time counting the barbs in the wire.

What I'm doing today is thinking about that a lot.

                                                   "...Live every day of your life."

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